
First Anniversary Mass – Philomena Murphy R.I.P.

First Anniversary mass for the late Philomena Murphy, Dublin & Birr will be celebrated this Sunday the 28th of July at 12noon. Philomena is sadly missed and remembered with love by her family and by all who knew her. May her gentle soul Rest in Heavenly Peace.

Bi-Centenary Celebration

All Are Welcome!
To the Bi-Centenary Celebration of St. Brendan’s Church, Birr, Co. Offaly on Saturday August 10th @ 7.30pm. Bishop Fintan will be the celebrant of the Mass. If you have a connection with Birr Parish we would be delighted with your presence.

First Anniversary Mass – Phyllis Hamilton R.I.P.

First Anniversary mass for the late Phyllis Hamilton, Westgate, Birr will be celebrated this Saturday the 27th of July at 7.30pm. Phyllis is sadly missed and remembered with love by her family and by all who knew her. May her gentle soul Rest in Heavenly Peace.

Newsletter Sponsoring

If you would like to sponsor the newsletter please contact the Parish Office. Cost €150 per month.